Teachers 2024

NOSADE teaches holistic yoga with an emphasis on health benefits.

Focusing on bio-mechanically and anatomically correct movement, we view yoga as a means to promote and maintain quality of life, health, and autonomy on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level.

Our teaching styles range from Anusara, Hatha, (Power-) Vinyasa Flow, Iyengar to restorative and Yin yoga.

In our fundamental conviction that the mere practice of poses is not enough to cultivate a healthy, and – most importantly – conscious sensitivity for our body both on the inside and the outside, we deepen the understanding of our very personal (motion-) patterns throughout our yoga retreats and during our travels and again and again create connections to everyday life. Focusing on bio-mechanically correct movement patterns and holistic well-being, motion and strength, breathing technique, classical yoga philosophy, spirituality, and meditation, our scope expands to the therapeutic aspects of yoga.

The ancient philosophy of yoga in its full extent, in connection with advances in and adaptation of the Asana to the needs of the 21st century human body, make yoga the marvelous, helpful, clear, and rewarding path that it is.

Our Yoga classes are taught in English and / or German.

Team Lehrer Victor Thiele_Source NOSADE

Victor Thiele

Victor Thiele (yogafürdich, Berlin)

As founder of yogafürdich in Berlin in 2008 Victor looks back on decades of own yoga and meditation practice. Next to completed trainings and workshops in yoga and gym, he is practicing constantly and regularly yoga and meditation as his life and health elixir. This knowledge he is sharing with his students and fellows. For him it is important to always to face the people who come to him in the classroom, with an open heart, without wanting to moralize them, especially in terms of their lifestyle.
“I am a very free-spirited yogi who has learned through the years about my own practice and especially from my own experience to combine the ancient tradition of yoga with the events of modern life and to unite them. Therefore, my teaching is authentic, clear and precise, often demanding and intense, yet leaving enough room for the fun and the joy of Yoga. “

Victor is teaching Power Vinyasa Flow Yoga, a modern style of yoga which can affect on transforming one’s entire personality.


Sabine Klein

Sabine Klein (Yoga-Teacher, Berlin)

Since 2012, Sabine is teaching a mindfulness-based, calm, and precise yoga style in Yogastudios and private lessons in Berlin.

After two decades of her own yoga praxis, she decides for her first training at Spirit Yoga in Berlin, another training in the traditional style after Sivananda, training in Yin and restorative yoga as well as yoga therapy.
Basis of her teaching is the flowing style of Vinyasa Yoga with the emphasis on Pranayama and meditation.
Yoga does not have a certain way or style for her, but is an individual practice path, in which you have to experience and explore always new paths and ways and reevaluate, where you stand, what you need, and where to go.
Her lessons provide the space to go this way with joy and enthusiasm.

Aasia Lewis (Yoga-Teacher, Morocco)

Aasia Lewis

Aasia is a clinical speech-language pathologist (SLP), yoga educator, and certified somatic coach, based in Morocco.

Her journey of yoga studentship and teachership began in the Hatha/Vinyasa Yoga sphere, fortuitously discovering a unique fusion of Ashtanga and Iyengar Yoga lineages at Kula Yoga Project in New York City, where she completed her 200-Hour Hatha & Vinyasa Yoga teacher training.

With time, the precision and stability of Iyengar Yoga became the foundation for her teachings, coupled with the deeply enriching learnings she explored through continuing education on human consciousness, body mapping, emotional anatomy, non-violent communication, organic intelligence, and somatics.

Discover more here: siaontheotherside.com.

Mariam Alemi (Yoga-Teacher, Marrakech)

Mariam Alemi

Since 2019 Mariam has worked as a Yogateacher and Nutritionist in Vienna. For her, being a good teacher always means being willing to learn and expand. Therefore she took some time off from the beautiful city of Vienna and found herself in Morocco, seeking to dive deeper into the field of Yoga and Nutrition. 

Her teaching style is mainly influenced by her Teacher Lénok- a Chromatic Yoga teacher. A yoga style that offers a highly intentional class with good anatomical knowledge to build awareness towards the student’s body and mind. For her, Yoga is a mixture of movement and therapy. A place where she feels and understands herself and grows toward the things she is aiming for. She remains fascinated by it, and constantly tries to enrich her knowledge with regular training by inspiring teachers.

Find more information here: mariamalemi.com

Élisa Cocquet

Élisa Cocquet (Yoga-Teacher, Marrakech)

Élisa is a young yoga teacher who has been passionate about yoga and teaching yoga for many years. Every year she attends various yoga teacher trainings herself to develop herself and her practice.

Élisa teaches different styles: Vinyasa, Ashtanga, Yin, Pilates… sometimes gentle restorative sessions but equally dynamic and strengthening classes.

She is a sensitive and adaptable teacher who manages to accommodate all students. The experienced are challenged, while beginners can learn the basic structures in a sound and healthy way. She therefore manages to make everyone feel at ease during her lessons.

Her classes are playful and light and with her inspiring nature, Élisa makes you want to practice and develop your yoga!

Patricia Lorenzo (Yoga-Teacher, Marrakech)

Patricia Lorenzo

Patricia started practicing Yoga in 2012 when she was looking for an activity that would be physical while allowing her overthinking brain to focus. With the practice, she achieved her initial goals while discovering a whole new world of balance and renewed sense of connection with life in all its expressions. 

She then decided to share her experience and guide others in the practice. In 2016, she took her 200h Teacher Training which she has since complemented with shorter trainings in anatomy and somatics. She has taught at different studios, Riads, Hotels, and private clients since. 

Her approach to Yoga asana teaching and sequencing is mostly Vinyasa but she also incorporates elements of other styles of Yoga and schools of movement. Her classes are usually designed to be a fluid balance of strength, active mobility, adapted challenge, and playfulness within a frame of self-inquiry. She offers a holistic view of Yoga, including pranayama, mantra, and meditation at a suitable level. 

It is her belief that Yoga teachers don’t actually “teach”, but rather guide the students through tools that allow them to more easily moderate their own inner dialogue between body and mind. Hence, her own motto: Flow, Feel, Grow.

NOSADE Team Isabella_ Paulsen_Source NOSADE

Isabella Paulsen

Isabella Paulsen (Yoga-Teacher, Berlin)

Just take a break, breathe deeply, arrive at yourself. Isabella’s yoga classes are a skillful blend of Vinyasa, Hatha and Yin Yoga, powerful movement and stillness that give you the opportunity to connect with yourself.  After many years of own practice Isabella decided in 2014 to complete her Hatha Yoga teacher training. In the following years, a Yin Yoga training with Stefanie Arend followed, as well as teacher enhancements and workshops with Elena Brower and Yoga Biomechanics with Jules Mitchell. She has deepened her meditation practice in recent years with courses on self-acceptance and self-love with Ralph de la Rosa. In addition to her regular guest lessons in Berlin, she also gives workshops on the topics of serenity, heartbreak yoga, and womanhood: www.isabella.yoga.

Isabella combines sensitively conscious movement and mindfulness, with challenging elements, as well as peace and quietness. The students learn to recognize themselves in practice, to come into power and strength to find their own authentic expression. The discovery of the joy of movement is in the focus.

Team Gaia Ceccarelli_Source NOSADE

Gaia Ceccarelli

Gaia Ceccarelli (Yoga-Teacher, worldwide)

Movement and body as an instrument to create harmony have always been an integral part of her life. Gaia studied classical, modern and contemporary dance for 16 years. Inspired by Vinyasa Yoga her teaching style emphasizes body awareness and alignment, focussing the attention on cultivating sensibilty, honesty and concentration on the mat and in life. When teaching, Gaia’s focus is to guide students towards  having the confidence and understanding to develop a self-practice and to personally experience the transformative power of yoga.

Gaia is living in Italy and teaching Vinyasa Yoga, Ashtanga Vinyasa, Power Yoga & Restorative Yin Yoga. Follow her on yogatrail. Or join her on one of her teacher trainings with TRIBE – Yoga Teacher Training School.

NOSADE Team Jutta Jaeger_Source Jutta Jaeger

Jutta Jaeger

Jutta Jaeger (Jutta Jaeger Yoga, Salem)

Don`t push the river it flows by itself. (Berry Stevens)

Jutta is a yoga teacher, painter and analytical Gestalt therapist. She lived and worked for 25 years in Salem on Lake Constance. For many years she already travels to Morocco and has lived 6 months in Marrakech.
With Yoga, Gestalt therapy and painting she combines everything close to her heart. Her focus in teaching yoga goes especially towards body awareness, towards feeling blockades and pain and to seek relief within. Depth fasciae work is her favorite area. People who have made not any experiences with yoga or who feel physical limitations are in perfectly good hands. Experienced yogis have the opportunity to dive deeper and to rediscovering levels.

Traudi Pich (Try2Fly “Yoga and Ayurveda”, Ingolstadt)

Traudi Pich_Source TP for NOSADE

Traudi Pich

Traudi Pich discovered yoga in 2001. After years of work in the fitness industry, her desire for more peace and serenity had grown. First, the body-oriented and dynamic “Power Yoga” after Bryan Kest with numerous workshops with him. The millennia-old healing system fascinated her, not only the positive effect on the body through a better posture and flexibility but also the balance and peace that you could experience after every hour. To deepen this, she completed a medical-scientific Hatha Yoga teacher training in 2008, as well as the “Prana Vinyasa Flow” training of Shiva Rea. After two more educations and many teachers and influences, for which she is very grateful, she regularly teaches open classes, personal yoga, and workshops.

Traudi lives in Ingolstadt and since 2017 runs her own studio Try2Fly “Yoga and Ayurveda”.  Her style combines various influences such as Vinyasa Yoga, Prana Flow and Kundalini Yoga. In flowing sequences, somatic and energetic levels of the body meet and fill all cells with life and vitality – we feel this as calmness, centering and inner balance.

Jens Simon Petersen

Jens Simon Petersen (Yoga Teacher, Berlin)

In his chosen home town Berlin Jens Simon teaches for various studios such as ‘Yoga für Dich’ in Kreuzberg, Friedrichshain and Schöneberg. Jens also teaches occasionally in big companies such as Mercedes, Lufthansa and Deloitte.

Originally raised in Hamburg, his base was first martial arts and dance, followed by the invigorating Vinyasa Yoga. The sense of well-being, ‘wring out stress’, strengthening the body and clearing one’s mind is what keeps him attracted to Yoga as a whole. ‘How can one preserve this ease in everyday life? What would need to change? How could my needs find more fulfillment?’ were questions that Jens gradually found answers to.

Jens Simon was trained and mostly influenced in the beautiful East Village of New York on ‘Yoga to the people’, a fund-based studio – usually filled with people of all nations, professions and worldviews. Similar to his personal practice, Jens Simon offers Vinyasa Yoga in the morning, activating and invigorating, while in the evening Yin Yoga and meditation are in the foreground – slowing down and calming – to gradually leave the day behind, to activate self-healing powers and to process impressions.

Birgit Künzli (Yoga Teacher, Italy & worldwide)


Birgit Künzli

Birgit has 20 years of own yoga and meditation as well as 10 years of teaching experience. She is a Hatha and Vinyasa Yoga teacher (500h), Yin Yoga teacher, prenatal and kids yoga teacher, health coach and author. Birgit has a passion for supporting others: she loves working especially with women to engage them finding themselves again through yoga and a slowliving lifestyle. She loves bringing people back to a natural, slow life.

“My life’s mission is to support you to re-discover your authenticity and live in it completely, I will support you to find your ultimate wellness through yoga and a healthy lifestyle.

Suffering is part of life. When I personally realized that suffering actually came from the constant looking for happiness and the perfect life, something changed in my own life. Recognizing that being unhappy comes from a wrong perspective and wrong thoughts everything changed. Now I feel that I want to live life as a whole, with all the ups and downs, and not just the happy side of it. Life is beautiful and perfect as it is, and that is happiness.“

Find out more about Birgit and her teaching on her Youtube Channel or on her website.

Anica Alla

Anica Alla

Anica Alla

Anica founded NOSADE to share authentic travel experiences in beautiful, diverse, and ever-fascinating Morocco with like-minded nomad-hearted people.

One of her concerns as an entrepreneur is combining a conscious approach to nature and culture on the one hand with a company that creates jobs for locals and operates in a sustainable and fair fashion on the other. She strives to provide both clients and employees with educational and formative experiences.

As a yoga teacher, she blends knowledge of the bio-mechanical aspects of healthy motion in yoga with a balanced and conscious approach to life that is rooted in thousands of years of yoga tradition and teachings.

“Make conscious choices about how to move – joyfully, and yet skillfully and aware – how you want to think and feel and take these learnings from the mat to your daily life.”

Anica is a trained yoga therapist. She also teaches Anusara yoga to students of all proficiency levels, focusing on the development of an autonomous awareness for a pain-free and self-determined life in motion.

Kerri Coar (Yoga Teacher, Marrakech)

Kerri Coar_NOSADE

Kerri Coar

Kerri is an American based in Marrakech, Morocco. She has ben practicing yoga since 2006 and did her Yoga Teacher Training in Austin, TX, USA in 2017. She has fallen in love and experimented with various types of yoga over the years and she is always open to expanding her practice by remaining a student herself.

She is also a Registered Nurse, Holistic Nurse Coach and Reiki Practicioner and thus very passionate about helping people find the tools to live a healthy and empowered life.

The yoga she teaches is typically a blend of Hatha, Hatha Flow, Ghosh/Bikram, Ashtanga, Yin, Restorative and Pranayama.

Her goal in teaching is to help her students build strength and focus, to align and balance their personal energy and to make them feel good in their body and mind.

Julia Laschinski (Yogaraum, Cloppenburg)

NOSADE Team Julia Laschinski_Source NOSADE

Julia Laschinski

Julia is from northern Germany and is a mother of two children. In her free time she likes to be active in nature and loves travelling, foreign countries and cultures.

At the age of 20 she found her way into the healthcare industry. It turned out from the beginning that dealing with people and working with the participants is for her. During the yoga teacher training in 2008 she made fantastic physical and mental experiences, felt more patient and concentrated after a short time and has thus embarked on a new path that allows her to see things with curiosity and openness. Her greatest concern is to pass on her experience and knowledge to her students. Her yoga style combines tradition with a lively, easy way and is aimed at modern people of today. The practice is challenging and powerful, meditative and calming at the same time. A space is created to experience oneself and to approach the possibilities of the body and breath with curiosity and mindfulness.

Leading annual yoga retreats has been part of her professional life since 2019. She is looking forward to exciting, complex yoga classes and to accompanying you on your yoga path.

Sandra Arranz (Yoga Teacher, Marrakech)

Sandra Arranz

Originally from Spain, and living in London for 8 years, Sandra moved to Marrakesh in November 2023.

Sandra has been taking yoga teacher training classes with different teachers in Spain, London, and Morocco for the past 15 years, and completed her RYT 200h at “House of Ohm” in Bali.
She is also certified as a Human Design reader by the school of Maike Gabriela.

For Sandra, yoga is a daily lesson in balancing the body and mind, challenging oneself, and connecting with the inner self to discover one’s true nature. Her key takeaway is fostering compassion for herself and others.

She teaches Vinyasa, Yin, Nidra, and Restorative yoga classes, Pranayama, and guided meditation, and does individual readings of Human Design charts.

Sandra’s main goal for her classes is to help her students feel more present, aware of their body and mind, and most importantly, connected to their breath.

Hannah Kenkel (Yogaraum, Cloppenburg)

Hannah Kenkel

“Spend some time with yourself every day,” is the attitude that Hannah wants to pass on to her students. She aims to create a comfortable atmosphere in her classes through fun and relaxation and to emphasize mindfulness towards oneself.

Hannah discovered yoga through her training in children and teens yoga. During her studies, she quickly realized that working with people fulfilled her. Since April 2023, she has been working steadily at the Yogaraum Cloppenburg, allowing her to pursue her passion every day. Hannah takes great joy in introducing yoga to people of all age groups and connecting the physical and spiritual aspects with her positive and empathetic approach.

Hannah teaches her retreats in German, either on her own or as a team with Julia Laschinski. She looks forward to introducing yoga to you in Morocco and accompanying you on your journey to self-discovery.


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